The most frequently asked question is: “How I put my trader settings?“ Of course I would like to share this with you, here we go. Obviously I change settings a small bit as the market moved really aggressively, but these are the settings I use now and continue to use. Due to strong price movements of 10% is the best as the “percentage of between trades” ranges from 3-6% depending on how many “open positions” you have. I have 3 open positions with 4% between trades on the UpDown strategy and 3% between trades on the STB strategy. The reason for this is that UpDown buys faster and why the percentage higher. STB buys less often only when the trend line changes.
The currencies I use are Bitcoin and Ethereum with both UpDown and STB strategies. The UpDown deals much faster in buying and selling and the STB often makes more profit per trade.
I have chosen here for ‘reinvest‘ as a profit strategy to make more euros which can then be invested again to more earn crypto. In the case of a higher trading amount I would have certainly chosen ‘HODL‘ to keep my profits in crypto and let them gain in the bullmarket’s trend.
This is an example of the UpDown strategy:

Click on the image to enlarge.
What results does this give? I restarted this mid januari:

The bot has made almost 34,000 euros on trades with the 3,000 Euro I have invested in it and has given me a profit of almost 1.000 euros in 8 weeks. And an average profit of 2.8% per transaction is not bad!
You can start with 50 euros per trader. If you want to set up Bitcoin in Ethereum with both 2 strategies in 2 open positions, you can start with a minumum of 400 Euro since it is 8 traders of 50 euro’s each.
What is Satoshi Trading Bot
Satoshi Trading Bot is an automated Cryptotrader with the possibility to grow your portfolio/to earn an passive income. Without any stress, effort or knowledge. Within 15 minutes you have everything up and running. Follow our instructions and get started.
Register an account on Satoshi Trading Bot. We only ask for compensation about the profit of a transaction so no cure no pay. You can use without obligation if you want to see what results the bot can generate in simulator mode (demo account). It only takes 2 minutes to create an account
How do I set up the bot?
Before you can go to the trader settings, you must first connect the bot to an exchange such as ByBit or Bitvavo. I recommend ByBit because it is many times cheaper in terms of transaction costs. The website contains step-by-step instructions with videos for setting up the bot. This explanation with screenshots is also useful for those who find the video moving too fast.
Here is the video:
If you still have questions after reading these instructions read the FAQ. Or you can message me directly trough WhatsApp or ask questions in the Telegram chat. There is the whole community (350) of members where I am also active. The Telegram is often the fastest way to get your answers.
Benefits of Satoshi Trading Bot
- Creating an account on the Satoshi Trading Bot is free and you only pay a fee on the trades that make a profit. No monthly fees, no hidden costs. And it is possible to test the bot first with the simulator mode so that you can test the results.
- We give a step by step manual that helps people set up their bot and traders. It takes you around 15-30 minutes and then you don’t have to worry anymore. Just sit back relax and enjoy the trading.
- The Satoshi Trading Bot determines the optimal buying and selling moments in Cryptocurrencies/Euro and trades automatically. All you need is an account with an exchange such as ByBit on which an amount in Euro is available to trade. The trader works through an API and can never transfer currency but only sets buy and sell orders.
- Countless investors are already using the Satoshi Bot successfully. You can try the simulator without obligation and experience the results yourself. You will receive help from an entire community of more than 200 members. Join the Telegram for questions, support and experiences. The Telegram chat is full of experts who have been using to bot for quite some time now. Another option is to sent us an e-mail and we will strive to answer you within 24 hours.
- One of the biggest advantages of this bot is that you get your profit in either the cryptocurrency you are trading or just in Euro. You can decide on each trader which you prefer. So you could choose to keep your Bitcoin and Ethereum profits and have your other cryptocurrencies changed back to Euros.
- The Satoshi Trading Bot brings in good returns every month. A great way to earn extra Euros and/or Crypto. Completely automatic and without stress and effort like manual trading.
- Known from various media. We are known from a bunch off websites such as and where the Satoshi Bot is a subject of different articles.
When does a trading bot work best?
The optimal time is in a bull market like there is now, because there are many bullish moments and the peaks are always high. In a sideways market it also works well if the market navigates within a certain range.
Please note: Nothing on this website is financial advice, just my personal opinion. Past performance is no guarantee for future performance.
Sinds 2013 ben ik actief bezig met Bitcoin. Tijdens het schrijven van mijn scriptie over complementair geld ontdekte ik Bitcoin. In mijn opinie het meest revolutionaire idee sinds het internet. Geld met een decentraal karakter dat toegankelijk is voor iedereen ter wereld. Het is tijd voor een eerlijke wereld! Met deel ik het Nederlands nieuws over cryptocurrency. Voor vragen of opmerkingen ben ik te bereiken via Telegram.